The student's life
País: Reino Unido
Revisión: Cancionero original
The students life's the life for me;
Let every man his choice defend
My heart is pledged to Liberty;
She ever was truest friend.
Oh! Students are a merry gang, sir;
For trouble they don't care a hang, sir, a hang, sir!
stag, the student and the rabbit
Must all the selfsame grievance face;
To these the men in scarlet habit,
To these the vulgar herd give chase.
Oh! Students, etc.
father must provide the money
If young my lord to college goes,
And for the welfare of his sonny
See that this purse with crowns o'erflows.
Oh! Students, etc.
I never yet saw millwheel turning
That was not by a stream impelled;
Nor can a man acquire great learning
If cash supplies be long withheld.
Oh! Students, etc.
borrow, if he's poor and prudent,
From ignorant humanity;
And say: "From simpleton to student,
Why! all the world is vanity!"
Oh! Students, etc.
when his student days are ended,
He goes to dwell among his clan;
Armed with his grammar and commended
By all the world - a learning man!
Nota: Con frecuencia la tradición oral
hace que la versión más popular de una letra difiera de
la creación original. Nuestro labor se centra en dar a conocer las
letras tal y como fueron escritas por sus
Este cancionero contiene únicamente obras que forman parte de la colección del Museo. Si desea
conocer a fondo el repertorio
estudiantil, le recomendamos el excepcional libro de Antonio Luís Morán
Saus y José Manuel García Lagos titulado: «Cancionero
de Estudiantes de la Tuna. El cantar estudiantil de la edad Media al
siglo XX».