
therefore now, my gentle fere
País: Reino Unido
Revisión: Libro 1907
Jerome S. Arkenberg / Prof.
Come therefore now, my gentle fere,
Whom as my heart I hold full dear;
Enter my little room, which is
Adorned with quaintest rarities:
There are the seats with cushions spread,
The roof with curtains overhead:
The house with flowers of sweetest scent
And scattered herbs is redolent:
A table there is deftly dight
With meats and drinks of rare delight;
There too the wine flows, sparkling, free;
And all, my love, to pleasure thee.
There sound enchanting symphonies;
The clear high notes of flutes arise;
A singing girl and artful boy
Are chanting for thee strains of joy;
He touches with his quill the wire,
She tunes her note unto the lyre:
The servants carry to and fro
Dishes and cups of ruddy glow;
But these delights, I will confess,
Than pleasant converse charm me less;
Nor is the feast so sweet to me
As dear familiarity.
Then come now, sister of my heart,
That dearer than all others art,
Unto mine eyes thou shining sun,
Soul of my soul, thou only one!
I dwelt alone in the wild woods,
And loved all secret solitudes;
Oft would I fly from tumults far,
And shunned where crowds of people are.
O dearest, do not longer stay!
Seek we to live and love to-day!
I cannot live without thee, sweet!
Time bids us now our love complete.
Nota: Con frecuencia la tradición oral
hace que la versión más popular de una letra difiera de
la creación original. Nuestro labor se centra en dar a conocer las
letras tal y como fueron escritas por sus
Este cancionero contiene únicamente obras que forman parte de la colección del Museo. Si desea
conocer a fondo el repertorio
estudiantil, le recomendamos el excepcional libro de Antonio Luís Morán
Saus y José Manuel García Lagos titulado: «Cancionero
de Estudiantes de la Tuna. El cantar estudiantil de la edad Media al
siglo XX».