1532 - Masters and students

Year 1552 - Classroom of the University of Cracow in Poland

Year 1612 - Ceremony of the conferment of doctoral degree (Academia sive
Speculum Vitae Scolasticae)

Year 1614 - Classroom of a Spanish university

Year 1699 -
The school teacher

XVIII century - The student
century - Bachelor of Arts

Year 1700 (ca.) - Juliana Morella, first woman who managed to obtain a
university degree in the year 1608

Year 1701 -
Chinese student
Year 1707 - Tuna fishing in Cadiz
Year 1720 - 1756 - Anna Maria van Schurman, first female student at the
University of Utrecht

Year 1733 - Ordinary costumes of the people who compose the University
of Oxford
Year 1750 (ca.) -
Gresham College as it appeared before it was taken Down
to Build an Excite Office
Year 1777 -
Manteísta / Student
Year 1777 (ca.) - Manteísta / Student
Year 1777 (ca.) -
Manteísta / Student
Year 1780 -
The student
Year 1800-1807 - View of the Courtyard of the Kings in the Royal
Monastery of San Lorenzo del Escorial seen from the Portico

Year 1800 (ca.) - Laura Bassi, first woman university professor

Year 1800 (ca.) - Student of Salamanca
1800 (ca.) - Student of Salamanca
Year 1806 -
Inside of an
Inn in the Kingdom of Valencia
Year 1806 - View of the new avenue in Barcelona
Year 1806 - View of the Arc of Fernan-Gonzales
in Burgos
Year 1807 - Humours of Oxford, 1729
Year 1809 -
A student of the Irish College, Salamanca
Year 1809 -
A doctor of Salamanca
Year 1812 -
A spanish inn
Year 1812 - The portrait of a student
Year 1813 -
Blue-coat boy. A scholar of Christ-Church
Year 1813 - Bachelor of Laws (Oxford)
Year 1813 - Bachelor of Arts (Oxford)
Year 1813 -
Commoner (Oxford)
Year 1813 -
Nobleman (Oxford)
Year 1813 -
Doctor in Physic (Oxford)
1813 - Doctor in Physic, full dress (Oxford)
1813 - Doctor in Divinity (Oxford)
Year 1814 - Student in Civil Law (Oxford)
Year 1814 - Gentleman commoner & nobleman (undress gowns)
1814 - Bachelor of Divinity (Oxford)
Year 1814 - Pro
Proctor (Oxford)
Year 1814 -
Scholar (Oxford)
Year 1814 - Collector
Year 1814 - Gentleman commoner (Oxford)
Year 1814 -
Servitor (Oxford)
Year 1814 - Proctor
Year 1814 -
Master of Arts (Oxford)
Year 1814 - Doctor in Divinity in convocation (Oxford)
Year 1814 -
Pensioner (Cambridge)
1814 - Fellow commoner (Cambridge)
Year 1814 - Bachelor of Arts (Cambridge)
Year 1815 -
Nobleman (Cambridge)
Year 1815 - Fellow commoner of
Emanuel College, nobleman and fellow commoner of Trinity College (Cambridge)
Year 1815 - Pensioner of Trinity Hall. Common dress of the Doctor in Law
& the Doctor in Physic (Cambridge)

1820 - The year of hunger in Madrid

Year 1820 - The two students of Salamanca

Year 1820 (ca.) - Occupation of the Citadel of Barcelona and Castle of
Monjui by the French on February 29, 1808

Year 1820 (ca.) -
Year 1825 - University student
1825 - University student
1825 (ca.) - Madrid. The Prado
Year 1827 - Blue-coat boy
Year 1827 (ca.) - The students of the soup
Year 1828 -
Interior of an inn
Year 1828 - 3. Salamanca University lecturer, 4. Salamanca Irish College
Year 1828 - The London University
Year 1830 - Rector, doctors and macebearer of the
University of Paris
Year 1830 (ca.) - Master of the University
1830 (ca.) - Student of Florence
Year 1833 - University of Cervera
1833 - University of Cervera
Year 1833 - Reception of a doctor in the former University of Paris
Year 1834 - Don Quixote & Sampson Carrasco
Year 1835 - Students of Salamanca at Seville
Year 1835 -
A student
1835 - An evening of students
Year 1835 - A spanish inn
Year 1835 - Zaragoza. Plaza del Cosso after the siege
Year 1835 (ca.) - Madrid
Year 1835 (ca.) - Christian School girls in Calcutta
Year 1836 (ca.) - King's College Chapel. University
Library & Senate House. Cambridge
Year 1836 -
An inn in Spain
Year 1837 - Trinity College. View from the S. E. angle of
the cloisters
Year 1839 - Coimbra. Looking over the Gardens of Santa Cruz

Year 1839 -
The Estudiantina jota
Year 1840 -
The law student
Year 1840 - The pupil of the
private school
Year 1840 -
The pupil of the public school
Year 1840 -
The medieval student
1840 - The medicine student
Year 1840 - The scholar
Year 1840 - The students of Paris I
Year 1840 - The students of Paris II
Year 1840 - The students of Paris III
Year 1840 - The students of Paris IV
Year 1840 - The students of Paris V
Year 1840 - The students of Paris VI
Year 1840 - The students of Paris VII
Year 1840 - The students of Paris VIII
Year 1840 - The students of Paris IX
Year 1840 - The students of Paris X
Year 1840 - The students of Paris XI
Year 1840 - The students of Paris XII
Year 1840 - The students of Paris XIII
Year 1840 - The students of Paris XIV
Year 1840 - The students of Paris XV
Year 1840 - The students of Paris XVI
Year 1840 - The students of Paris XVII
Year 1840 - The students of Paris XVIII
Year 1840 - The students of Paris XIX
Year 1840 - The students of Paris XX
Year 1840 - The students of Paris XXI
Year 1840 - The students of Paris XXII
Year 1840 (ca.) - The singers
Year 1840
(ca.) - The pupil of the public school
Year 1840 (ca.) -

1840 (ca.) - A medieval school in Germany

1841 - The seventeenth-century student

Year 1841 - King's College. Distribution of the Prizes
in the Theatre, by the Archbishop of Canterbury
Year 1842
- The student

Year 1843 - The
man of letters
Year 1843 - Interior of a spanish inn

Year 1844
- Cabrera, the student
Year 1844
- The student's king
Year 1844 - Alcazar of Seville
Year 1844 - Cordova
Year 1844 -
Doctor Lamb
Year 1845
- A student stone fight

Year 1845 - The melopia. Delivering soup to the poor

Year 1847 - Students life in Germany -
The Proctor
Year 1847 - Students life in Germany - Landesvater
Year 1847 - Students life in Germany - The Price of Fools
Year 1847 - Students life in Germany -
The Duellist
Year 1847
(ca.) - The student of Padua
Year 1848 - Spanish characters. The student
Year 1848 - Spanish characters. The student
Year 1848 -
Year 1848 (ca.) - Indian students
Year 1849 - The german students
Year 1849 - The truant
Year 1850 - Student. President of
a corporation. Holidays costume
Year 1850 -
Student of Coimbra

1850 - Students of Heidelberg
Year 1850 -
The young scholar
Year 1850 - Students from the Polytechnic School. Large and small
Year 1850 - The vestibule of the University of Munich
Year 1850 - The singing of the students
1850 (ca.) - A schoolboy of Gottinger
Year 1850
(ca.) - The student of Paris
Year 1850 (ca.) -
Salve toga rubra
Year 1851 - The student ot the Tuna
Year 1852 -
A student of Jena
Year 1853 - Rector and students from different nations, University of

Year 1853 - Cloister Convent St. Domingo de Silos

1855 - Cambridge students.- 1. Fellow, 2. Scholar, 3.
Nobleman, 4. Proctor
Year 1855 - Oxford University costumes 1. Scholar, 2.
Commoner, 3. Doctor of Divinity in his dress gown, 4. Chancellor of Oxford
University in his dress robe
Year 1855 (ca.) - The smile
Year 1857 - The two students of Salamanca
Year 1859 - Hindoo school under the portico of a house in Poonah
Year 1859 - Torchlight procession of the students in
Berlin in honour of the birth of an heir to the throne
Year 1859 - Gil
Blas at Penaflor
Year 1859 - Guerrilla council
of war
Year 1859 -
The boy of Saint Vincent

1859 (ca.) - General map of Spain

Year 1860 -
Massacre of the
students of the University of Torino
Year 1860
- The students of the Central University riding in a carriage with the
flags carried by Cisnero to Africa
Year 1860 - Jubilee of the University of Berlin. Great party given to the
students by the city of Berlin
Year 1860 - The university procession returning to St. Nicholas Church
Year 1860 - King's Mother College,
in Ispahan
1860 (ca.) - Saint John's College. Oxford
Year 1860 (ca.) - Alma Mater
Year 1860
(ca.) -
Eighteenth century. A lesson at the
University of Oxford
Year 1860 (ca.) - Great Master of the University
Year 1861 - Banquet anniversary of the War of Independence, celebrated
by students of the University of Athens

1861 - University of Coimbra
Year 1862
- Type of belgian student

Year 1862 - A sword duel between students of two corporations
Year 1862 - The Ausfart. Corporations scrolling on the Market Square
Year 1862 - A funeral procession of students
Year 1862 -
Kept in
Year 1863 - Anniversary of Independence War in Germany celebrated between
Kreuzberg and Berlin. Return of the students
Year 1863 - Indigenous priest and seminarian
Year 1864 - Formely
and nowadays
Year 1865 - 16th century medieval costumes 1. Academia costume (ca 1500)
2. Student in gala attire
Year 1865 -
collection made by students of the San Fulgencio's College, in the streets
of Murcia
Year 1865 - Reception of a student
Year 1865 - England. A group of volunteers recruited from students at
the University of Rosall
Year 1865 -
Aspect of the Puerta del Sol, during the
disturbances caused by students on April 11
Year 1865 - Events in Madrid. Demonstration of students at the

Year 1865 - Annual cricket match played between students of the
universities of Cambridge and Oxford, in Saint John's Wood
Year 1866 -
The student
Year 1866 -
The student

Year 1867 - Elena Cornaro Piscopia crowned with doctoral degree (25 June

Year 1867 - Dress of hungarian student

Year 1867 - Le Trou, Students' cafe in Brussels
Year 1868 - Doctors and students of Paris in the Middle Ages
Year 1868 - A
female student

Year 1868 - Doctor Guzmán y la Cerda, first female doctorate of Spain in
the year 1785

1868 - Mrs. Beatriz Galindo (La Latina)
1868 - Guitarists in good humour

Year 1868 - Opening of the University of Madrid: mister Castelar, Fernando
Castro and the other professors are formally reinstated in their cathedras
Year 1869 - The two students of Salamanca
Year 1869 - The school of Sooltan Hassan
Year 1870 - Paris. Serenade given to the Queen of Spain by Spanish

Year 1870 -
Spanish students
Year 1870 - Students of Heidelberg gathered in the
hall of the Society of Germany
Year 1870 -
Spanish carnival
Year 1870 - The village school
Year 1870 - The
students of the Tuna giving a serenade
Year 1870 - The
students of the Tuna traveling with
the muleteers
Year 1870 -
The students of the Tuna
Year 1870 - The war: defence of Paris students going to man the

Year 1870 - Admission of new students at German universities
Year 1870 - The carnival of Madrid
Year 1870 (ca.) - Jubilee of the Student Association of the University of
Year 1870 (ca.) - Departure of students of
Innsbruck to join the Austrian Army
Year 1870 (ca.) - Spain. Tafalla popular characters
Year 1870 (ca.) - D. Salustiano Olozaga, college boy, gave a patriotic
speech to the attendees of Café Lorencini
Year 1870 (ca.) - The
fight interrupted
Year 1870 (ca.) - The last
Year 1870 (ca.) - St. Mary's
1870 (ca.) - Estudiantina
Year 1871 - Oxford sketches -
Town and gown
Year 1871 - Bread… and bulls…! Final scene of the first act

Year 1871 -
The carnival yesterday
Year 1871 - The
carnival today
Year 1871 - The small seminar (San Marcial's College), in Port au Prince
Year 1872 - Melchor Cano lecturing on the University of Salamanca
Year 1872 -
Opening of the Strasburg University - A group of german
Year 1872 - University Juan Diploma March
25, 1780
Year 1872 -
Novillada given by students in Valladolid
Year 1872 - The day before San Juan in Aix. Students and young people of
the village playing with firecrackers and streamers, according to custom
Year 1872 - A balcony in Seville
Year 1873 -
A Chinese school
Year 1873 - Swedish students singing
Year 1873 - The student
Year 1873 - Delft (Holland). The big parade of
students in the Townhall
Year 1873 - The Republic in Spain - Procession of
students passing before the Congress
Year 1873 -
In the school
Year 1873 - Madrid. Rehearsal of a Estudiantina before Carnival
Year 1874 - Dublin University Athletic Sports

Year 1874 -
The student
Year 1874 - Allegory of the masked balls. The carnival
Year 1875 - Capital punishment of a japanese student at Yedo
Year 1875 - A student of the seventeenth century reading the Quixote
Year 1875 -
An Estudiantina
Year 1875 (ca.) -
A student
Year 1876 - Faroe Islands student's dress

Year 1876 - The
Count of Almaviva

Year 1876 (ca.) -
Students serenading
Year 1877 - Student Lindoro serenading under the balcony

Year 1877 -
The student
Year 1877 - Hesitance
1877 - The carvinal in Madrid
Year 1878 -
A turkish school
Year 1878 - Boat race on Tamesis, between the champions of Oxford and
Cambridge 1878. The arrival
Year 1878 -
The student
Year 1878
- The exit of a masked ball
Year 1878
- The Estudiantina
Year 1878 - The spanish students in Paris
Year 1878 - Spanish students. Concert in the Tuileries Garden, on
Thursday, March 7, by the Spanish Estudiantina
Year 1878 - The spanish students in Paris
Year 1878 -
Paris. The Spanish Estudiantina playing national airs in the Tuileries
1878 - Paris. Walk of Spanish Estudiantina by the Boulevards
Year 1878 -
The Spanish Estudiantina: serenade in the Opera Square
Year 1878 -
Ildefonso de Zabaleta, president of the Spanish Estudiantina
Year 1878 -
Joaquin Castaneda, vice president of the Spanish Estudiantina
1878 - Paris. The Spanish Estudiantina, notes of his trip and return by
his chronicler
Year 1878 - Concert given by Spanish students in the garden of the
Palais Royal in Paris, on Shrove Tuesday of this year

Year 1878 - The Spanish Estudiantina. Concert in the Prince Alfonso
Year 1878 -
Madrid. Concert given by the Estudiantina in the Rivas Circus
Year 1878 - The Estudiantinas of Madrid
Year 1878 - Entrance of the Estudiantina in Madrid through the San
Vicente's door
Year 1878 - A serenade by spanish students

Year 1879 -
A japanese school
Year 1879 -
A chinese school
Year 1879 -
Display of the students in front of the Czarewitch Palace
Year 1879 - First troubles of a young artist
Year 1879 - Musical performance and dance of the Spanish students in Paris
Year 1879 - The achievement of the spanish student Juan de Gamboa in Bologna.
Episode in Cervantes's novel called The Novel of Lady Cornelia
1879 - Roma. The Estudiantina

Year 1879
- Carnival fantasy
Year 1879 - Barcelona. Charity collection made in the streets of the
town by the journalists and the students, for the benefit of the floods of
Year 1879 - The Murcian Estudiantina doing a charity collection on the
streets of Madrid for the benefit of the floods
Year 1879 - The Murcian estudiantina on the streets
of Madrid
Year 1879 - Pupils of a taratchie school in
Year 1879 - At the first blast of Lent

Year 1880 - Parisian student in the seventeenth century
Year 1880 - Rome. The via della Pilotta
on Carnival days
Year 1880 - Goettingen. A duel of university students
1880 - Dream
Year 1880 - Lecture in The University Mosque of El-Azhar
Year 1880 - Buenos Aires (South America). Demonstration of the
spanish colony in favour of France, benefactor of
1880 (ca.) - The gingalese scholars
Year 1880 (ca.) - Italian students in the thirteenth century
1880 (ca.) - Students of Padua in 1583
Year 1880 (ca.) - German student in the sixteenth century
Year 1880 (ca.) - Swiss student in the eighteenth century
Year 1880 - A school girl

Year 1881 - University student
Year 1881 -
Spanish cafe
Year 1881 -
Year 1881 -
Types of historical procession
Year 1881 - Spanish students in Carnival
Year 1881 -
The student

Year 1881 -
Commissions of the Universities of Salamanca and Coimbra, who attended the
celebrations of the centenary of Calderon
1881 -
The Bicentennial of Calderon in
Madrid. Inauguration of the statue in front of the Princes Gate
Year 1881 - Manifestation of the students
in honor of the author of "The great Galeote", in Calle de la Princesa, in
the afternoon of 23 of the current
Year 1881 - The Bellecour Theatre. The Indian hall during the students'
Year 1881 -
Armenian school in Jaffa
Year 1882 - Women's education in Norway. Matriculation of the first
female student at the University of Christiana

Year 1882 - The student in disgrace
Year 1882 - Miss Martina Castells y Ballespí, first female doctorate in
Medicine and Surgery at the Central University
Year 1882 - Students in a convent
Year 1882 - Love walks in front of a hair salon in the city
Year 1882 - Zarzuela
La Tuna
Year 1882 - San Sebastian - Carnival of 1882

Year 1882 -
Celebrations of the Centenary of Saint
Teresa of Avila: 4: The "paloteo" and the students' rondalla
Year 1882
(ca.) - Koranic school in Somalia
Year 1883 - Paris. Russian students' reading room , rue Berthollet
1883 - Student of the guitar
Year 1883 - Ronda Mayor
Year 1884 -
Forbidden fruit
Year 1884 - The carnival in Seville. A serenade in the streets
Year 1884 -
Johnson teaching his first class
Year 1884 -
The carnival in 1804
Year 1884 Guayaquil (Ecuador, Central America). Serenade in honor of the
Spanish Estudiantina Figaro in the Bolivar's Square, in front of the hotel
of the same name
Year 1884 - The carnival at the Prado in the late eighteenth century
Year 1884 - Strasbourg. Inauguration of the
University. The commers or the meeting of teachers and students on 27
October last
Year 1884 - The return of the student:
Christmas Eve vacation
Year 1884 - Examination in a village school
Year 1884 -
Theology Lesson
Year 1884 -
Where goes the good one?
Year 1884 - Madrid .- Oral information about the issues that concern the
improvement of the working classes: first session in the old auditorium of
the Central University on 26 October last
Year 1884 - Road
to school

Year 1885 - Andalusian gallantry. Customs at the beginning
of the century
Year 1885 - Formerly customs. Festivals and ceremonies for the degree of
doctor at the University of Salamanca
1885 - A sweet girl graduate
Year 1885 - Birds
of Paradise
Year 1885 - The student of Salamanca, by Espronceda. D. Félix de
Montemar and the burial
Year 1886 -
A persian school
Year 1886 - In prison cell
Year 1886 -
A park in Salamanca
1886 - The train of the Princess Amelie and the family of Orleans
acclaimed by the people and the students of Salamanca
Year 1886 - Annoying job
Year 1887 - Native medical students of the Suva Hospital, Fiji
Year 1887 - The ninetieth anniversary of the Emperor of Germany. March
of the torches of students passing in front of the window of the
Year 1887 -
March of the torches, carried by the students of the university in front
of the Imperial Palace on the night
of March 21
Year 1887 - The Seville Fair in the New Circus
Year 1887 -
Student costumes from different periods
Year 1887 -
A sopista
Year 1887 -
Student courtship

Year 1888 -
The examination day
1888 - A student of Coimbra

Year 1888 - Miss Cornelia Sorabji, the first girl-graduate of Western

Year 1888 - Eighth centenary of the University of Bologna. Arrival of
the barrel sent by students at the University of Torino
Year 1888 - Chinese costumes in the Nineteenth Century. Student in
examination dress
Year 1888 - Trajes franceses de la
primera mitad del siglo XVI. Escolar
Year 1888 - Rector of the University of Prague and german,
hungarian, czech and
polish students
Year 1888 - Universal Exposition of Barcelona. School Holidays:
celebration of the literary contest in the hall of the Palace of Fine Arts
Year 1888 - Universal Exhibition in Barcelona. School Holidays: the
procession through the Arch of Triumph
Year 1888 - Method of flogging in Turkish schools

Year 1888 - Urie Ucosta
Year 1889 - The student of Salamanca
Year 1889 - The foreign students in Paris
1889 - Estudiantina Sevillana

Year 1889 - The dolora
1889 - A hospital room: the visit
Year 1889 - Before
the ball
Year 1899 -
After the ball
Year 1890 - The Anglo-Portuguese conflict. Demonstration in front of the
statue of Camoens. Students in the statues of navigators
Year 1890 - The portuguese students in Madrid
Year 1890 -
In the Paseo del Prado
Year 1890 - The
Year 1890 - Allegory
Year 1890 (ca.) - A serenade of the Estudiantina
Year 1890 (ca.) - Love of a spanish woman

Year 1891 - The students doing a charity collection for the benefit of the
floods, in Madrid
Year 1891 - Montpellier. Delegates of the of students' association at
the party of the university
Year 1891 - The Spanish Estudiantina of Valparaiso
Year 1891
- A sweet girl graduate
Year 1892 - La Cruz de Mayo in the early century
Year 1892 -
Master Lebrija in chair
Year 1892 - English School
Year 1892 -
At school
Year 1892 - Celebrations of the Centenary in Madrid. The demonstration
of the students before the Columbus Monument
Year 1892 - Emblems of the student demonstration in Madrid. The standard
of the Cardinal Cisneros. Antique Flag of the University of Salamanca
Year 1892 - The
Year 1892 - Seguidilla

Year 1893
- Students in Turkey
Year 1893 - Ms. Concepción Arenal, widow of Carrasco, an eminent thinker
and poet
Year 1893 - Figaro and the student Lindoro

Year 1893 -
Year 1893 -
A student
Year 1893 - Harvard.
Class day
Year 1893 - La Mi-Careme. Procession of the
Year 1893 - Studying
Year 1894 -
Year 1895 - The spanish student
Year 1895 - The german school of Tanga
1896 - Hollidays well spent I
Year 1896 - Hollidays well spent II
Year 1896 - The cholera in Cairo. Revolt of El-Azhar: The Egyptian
police opened fire on students
Year 1896 - The mi-careme of the students

Year 1897 - To the
Year 1897 - The carnival in the streets
1897 - The power of innocence I
1897 - The power of innocence II
Year 1897 - Madrid. Serenade in honor of General Polavieja, organized by
students the night of the 18th of the current.
Year 1897 - Carnival
Year 1898 - The Estudiantina of Barcelona in Paris
Year 1898 - The Estudiantina of Barcelona in Paris

Year 1898 -
Giving it the tone

Year 1898 -
a book on his knees and a crust of old bread in hand, a poor devil of a
foreign student
Year 1898 -
Manifestation of the students at Barcelona,
inciting war with United States
Year 1898 -
A school in the Roman countryside
1898 - Kindergartens
Year 1898
- The Estudiantina
1898 - The Estudiantina

Year 1898
(ca.) - Yesterday. At midnight mass
1899 - Old students
Year 1899 -
Examinations day
Year 1899 - A sucker
1899 - In open insubordination
XIX century - Estudiantina female director

century - San Gregorio College
XIX century
- Tinker, bronze founder, Upholsterer, public baths (XVI century), 1566
Medical School, (1520), Fencing Lesson (1570), Aula of the University of
Tuebingen (XVII century), Warehouse and office of a merchant (XVI century
) Bear hunt in 1600
XIX century - The
XIX century -
Germany: student
XIX century - Demonstration of medical students before M. Tardieu
XIX century - Study time
XIX century - Alphabet
XIX century -
Alphabet II
Year 1900 - In aid of the war fund: a procession of spanish students in
Year 1900 -
The carnival in Madrid
Year 1900 -
Old students
Year 1900 -
The Estudiantina

Year 1900
(ca.) - Christmas Festival in Switzerland. The students of Bern
Year 1900 (ca.) -
Ex-libris of Juan D'Ivori
Year 1900 (ca.) - Ah from the good University of Alcalá de Henares!

Year 1900 (ca.) - A
Year 1901 - Of the Tuna

Year 1902 - The student gathering in St. Petersburg
dispersed by Cossack Police
Year 1902 - A
racy joke
Year 1903 - The
cortege Boeuf-Gras

Year 1904 - The spanish students in Paris
Year 1905 (ca.)
- Burlesque serenade
Year 1907 -
Morocco. A school
Year 1907 - Picturesque custom of Holy Saturday in Spain
Year 1908 - Unfolding the beauties of Oxford - Outside
of Sheldonian Theatre
Year 1909 - Student of Salamanca

Year 1909 -
The gay Estudiantina
Year 1909 -
On Ash Wednesday
Year 1913 -
Russian students

Year 1913 - The demonstration of the students of Paris and Bordeaux
before the statue of Strasbourg
Year 1914 - Sunny Spain
Year 1914 -
The students
Year 1916 - The way that Ginesillo Negrete finished his studies I
Year 1916 - The way that Ginesillo Negrete finished his studies II
Year 1917 - The
bad student
Year 1917 -
Soutanes and manteos
Year 1919 - Estudiantina
Year 1922 -
Year 1924 - The Portuguese Estudiantina
Year 1925 - The Estudiantina goes ahead

Year 1927 - Paris in the thirteenth century. Saturnal of the students on
the day of the "Féte des Fous"

Year 1928 -
The three liars
Year 1928 -
University of
New York -
Year 1929 - The very skillful Student of Falces, wrapped in his cape,
tricks the bull with the play of his body

Year 1931 - On the eve of the carnival. Rehearsal of the Estudiantina
Year 1932
(ca.) - Humanities students

Year 1934 - Royal University of Rome. Gonfalon with man-at-arms - Arts
Year 1934 - Royal University of Rome. Political science, Phisics and
Commercial Undergraduates
Year 1934 - Royal University of Bologna. Gonfalon and costumes
1934 - Royal University of Bologna. Costumes
Year 1934 - Royal University of Padua. Gonfalon and costumes
Year 1934 - Royal University of Padua. Rector Magnificus and Undergraduate
Year 1934 - Royal University of Naples. Gonfalon and costumes
Year 1934 - Royal University of Naples. City flag and man-at-arms
Year 1934 - Royal University of Parma. Gonfalon and costume
Year 1934 - Royal University of Perugia. Gonfalon and Trumpeter
Year 1934 - Royal University of Perugia. City flag and Rector Maximus
Year 1934 - Royal University of Florence. Gonfalon and costumes
Year 1934 - Royal University of Florence. City flag and Trompeter
1934 - Royal University of Pisa. Gonfalon
Year 1934 - Royal University of Pisa. Trumpeters and City arms
Year 1934 - Royal University of Siena. Gonfalon and costumes
Year 1934 - Royal University of Siena. City arms and standard bearer of
the Contrada dell'Oca
Year 1934 - Royal University of Pavia. Gonfalon, Man-at-arms and Drummer
Year 1934 - Royal University of Pavia. Undergraduates with City flag
Year 1934 - Free University of Ferrara. Gonfalon and costumes
Year 1934 - Royal University of Turin. Gonfalon and undergraduate
Year 1934 - Royal University of Turin. City flag and costumes
Year 1934 - Royal University of Catania. Gonfalon and Trumpeter
Year 1934 - Royal University of Catania. Trumpeter and City flag. An old
Year 1934 - Royal University of Genoa. Undergraduate with City flag and
University arms
Year 1934 - Free University of Urbino. Gonfalon, Trumpeter and costume
Year 1934 - Royal University of Macerata. Gonfalon and costumes (XVIII
Year 1934 - Royal University of Messina. Man-at-arms. Ungraduate's costume
Year 1934 - Royal University of Sassari. Gonfalon and Militia
Year 1934 - Royal University of Cagliari. Gonfalon and Undergraduate
Year 1934 - Royal University of Modena. Gonfalon and Undergraduate
Year 1934 - Royal University of Modena. Rector Magnificus
Year 1934 - Free University of Camerino. Gonfalon and Undergraduate
Year 1934 - Royal University of Palermo. Gonfalon and Costume (XVIII
1934 - Royal University of Palermo. Costumes
Year 1934 - Royal Higher Institute of Economic and Commercial Sciences of
Venice. Gonfalon and Trumpeter
1934 - Venice. Doges' seal and Page with flag
Year 1934 - Royal University of Bari. Gonfalon and costumes (XX century)
Year 1934 - Royal University of Milan. Gonfalon and Undergraduate
Year 1934 - Royal University of Milan. City flag and Trumpeter
Year 1934 - Royal University of Trieste. Gonfalon and Trumpeter
1935 - Passing the Estudiantina
Year 1953 - Medieval society: The University

Year 1957 - University of Salamanca
Year 1959 - Guitarist at the café concert in Paris Montmartre

1993 - Plaza Mayor of Salamanca
Year 2006 - The Tower of Clavero in Salamanca
XX century - Student of Vic in the early 1900s

Unknown year -
The seminarians of Vich
Unknown year - Manteista

Unknown year - Student
of the Irish College of Salamanca

Unknown year - Student
