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STUDENT SONGBOOK - International Museum of the Student

The student (a lament)

Words: Neil Mc Caig
Music: Neil Mc Caig
Country: United Kingdom
Review: Songbook

He sat until the midnight hour
Gave place to morning dawn;
Then raised his eyes in mild surprise
And sighed, but still sat on.

His head grew large, his body small,
Until I grieve to say
That student's head from books to read

ad grown enormously.

But large, still large, it became;
Such thing could never be;
With migthy blast his head at last
Exploded suddenly.

And out came volumes large and small
A wondrous sigh to see!
And from that store of learned lore
They raised a library.

Ye students all who read this tale,
Beware, I say, lest you,
By burning bright the midnight light,
May perish like that "stu".

Note: Con frecuencia la tradición oral  hace que la versión más popular de una letra difiera de la creación original. Nuestro labor se centra en dar a conocer las letras tal y como fueron escritas por sus autores.

Este cancionero contiene únicamente obras que forman parte de la colección del Museo. Si desea conocer a fondo el repertorio estudiantil, le recomendamos el excepcional libro de Antonio Luís Morán Saus y José Manuel García Lagos titulado: «Cancionero de Estudiantes de la Tuna. El cantar estudiantil de la edad Media al siglo XX»..

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