
A wandering scholar lad
Country: United Kingdom
Review: Book 1907
Jerome S. Arkenberg / Prof.
I, a wandering scholar lad,
Born for toil and sadness,
Oftentimes am driven by
Poverty to madness.
Literature and knowledge I
Fain would still be earning,
Were it not that want of pelf
Makes me cease from learning.
These torn clothes that cover me
Are too thin and rotten;
Oft I have to suffer cold,
By the warmth forgotten.
Scarce I can attend at church,
Sing God's praises duly;
Mass and vespers both I miss,
Though I love them truly.
Oh, thou pride of N.......,
By thy worth I pray thee
Give the suppliant help in need,
Heaven will sure repay thee.
Take a mind unto thee now
Like unto St. Martin;
Clothe the pilgrim's nakedness
Wish him well at parting.
So may God translate your soul
Into peace eternal,
And the bliss of saints be yours
In His realm supernal.
Note: Con frecuencia la tradición oral
hace que la versión más popular de una letra difiera de
la creación original. Nuestro labor se centra en dar a conocer las
letras tal y como fueron escritas por sus
Este cancionero contiene únicamente obras que forman parte de la colección del Museo. Si desea
conocer a fondo el repertorio
estudiantil, le recomendamos el excepcional libro de Antonio Luís Morán
Saus y José Manuel García Lagos titulado: «Cancionero de Estudiantes de la Tuna. El cantar estudiantil de la edad Media al siglo XX»..